Monday, September 19, 2011

music monday: the radio dept.

my sweetheart is sick. poor thing. he has a crazy high fever, chilling, sore throat. the whole shabang. i'm pounding C and garlic... it better not head my way.

he requested tomato soup and grilled cheese today. it hit the spot.

we're currently enjoying the radio dept. so i'm sharing with you my favorite song of theirs today, "never follow suit." enjoy.


  1. Your food always looks so yummy and cozy.... can food look cozy? well yours does. :)

  2. You guys are such the sickies lately! So sorry and yes, the food does look cozy! Get well soon!

  3. Mom said: The music wasn't my favorite but the sandwich looks killer. I too am doing the C and garlic routine and it's keeping the bug in a minor state of yuck for me. Kisses, Mom

  4. Hope Jared feels better soon!
