Wednesday, November 14, 2012

random facts.

1. floating in the pool on a hot summer phoenix day is my favorite favorite.

2. rock climbing terrifies me. so much that when my sweet husband shows interest, i change the subject. poor guy.

3. i've been told that my eye color is "olive oil".

4. one of the dumbest things i've ever done was jumping into the dorm swimming pool in the middle of the night, in the middle of winter, while it was snowing, and the pool was full of anti-freeze.

5. if i could go anywhere today, it would be to south africa.

6. i rocked a skullet as a toddler. apparently the front of my head lacked any desire to start growing hair.

7. i went through a phase where i wanted to have my own wilderness survivial show.

8. i don't have a middle name, so when i was young, i would choose a new middle name weekly. often, i would write my full (fake) name on my school work. mostly, i was lindsay rose or lindsay mary. in second grade, i was lindsay victoria a lot. when my mom came in for parent teacher conference, she asked my sweet teacher, mrs. valenzuela, why my official school documents said lindsay victoria knight. oops.

9. waterbeds are hilarious.  i think one day i want just one in the house specifically for my amusement.

10. i find year round exterior white christmas lights totally acceptable.

11. my perfect home would be in the arizona desert. surrounded by saguaro cacti with a southwestern meets scandinavian interior.

12. i am a goodwill junkie. scavenging for vintage pyrex and vintage bedding is my drug of choice.

13. growing up in phoenix, it was not uncommon to see me with my mom and sisters in the street in front of our house, enjoying a beautiful sunset.

14. i still wear my sixth grade campaign shirt as a pajama shirt. be bright, vote knight!

15. in the past, i've told jared, "i need to tell you something... i did something i'm not proud of..." he responded, "who's song did you download?" he knows me well. there are some artists that i'm ashamed i gave .99 cents to.

16. my family nickname is booger.

17. jack nicholson scares me.

18. in grade school i listened to my "cars greatest hits" tape constantly.

19. our family often uses three fingers to say "i love you".

20. one of my favorite television shows is cops. there, i said it.


  1. A.) I'd forgotten about your skullet.
    B.) Waterbeds. Tee hee hee.
    C.) 3

  2. This list...this list right here...this is why you will always be one of the most bitchin-est peoples I know that I will ever meet.
