Friday, October 26, 2012


i'm still sick and it's ridiculously cold here.  i have a puney immune system.  so, instead of focusing on the negative, i'm trying to focus on my blessings.
i'm grateful for my sweetheart (who spoils me when i'm sick), for cinnamon life cereal, for electric blankets, for my jody slippers (that aunt jody made), for lentil soup and homemade bread, for sunshine coming through windows, for my muddy waters pandora station, for microwave rice bags, and coconut perfume.
also grateful for good movies.  to name a few.. i have watched the three amigos, butch cassidy & the sundance kid, jeremiah johnson, and true grit.  i highly recommend them all.

1 comment:

  1. sorry you're so puny. you're lucky to be spoiled by sweet Jared. recently made lentil soup and put curry in it...highly recommended! jealous of your weather. xoxoxoxo
