Thursday, July 29, 2010

bedtime snack.

Ever since I was little, poached eggs were my favorite. But apparently Mom spoiled me because tonight was a first for me. I successfully poached eggs. Got home from work around 12:45 am and was starving. I know I should have just gotten over it and gone to bed, but I didn't. Instead, I conjured up some poached eggs, toast, and even had some homemade strawberry and apricot jam that my sister Dori made and gave me today. I realize the eggs look super barfy, but they were oh so yummy (and so was the jam, Dori.. thanks!) Jared and I enjoyed our lil meal on our bed and had a fun little recap of our days.

Eating poached eggs with toast is a MUST. You should always save some toast for cleaning up the
yummy egg heavenly goodness in the bowl. By the way, another "must"... always mash your poached eggs with a fork while mixing in butter, salt, and pepper. Delicious.

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