Thursday, April 14, 2011

standing up for womanhood.

today I visited Julie Harward's blog and was thrilled to see the stand she is taking against demeaning ads that are visible everywhere in this world. I have a sense of humor, trust me, I do. but I'm getting sick of these! just too much.. probably the most popular one right now is the following Carl's Jr. commercial. what does this communicate to you? this is what I am hearing, loud and clear:

  • women want to be objectified sexually

  • women are only attractive if they are flaunting themselves in a revealing and sexual way

  • women, act like this because that is what men want from you

  • if you want to be noticed and admired, take your clothes off

then there is this horrible ad from burger king... REALLY?! and of course, arby's has to jump on board... I'd like to include some of Julie's comments on her blog... she shared, "first, we are shocked at something like these adds, and then we get used to it, (desensitized) by the sea of advertising muck that we see ALL the time. Then we begin to except it, except what they say about us to be true." Julie continues, "In other words, your silence is your support. Standing by and idly watching (or your children or grandchildren watching and forming their opinions on what a woman is) gives your permission and that you agree with what they are seeing." Elaine Dalton, President of the Young Women's organization of the LDS church recently stated, "In a world ever growing in moral pollution, tolerance of evil, exploitation of women and distortion of roles, you must stand guard of yourself, your family and all those with whom you associate." so what now? let us all contact these companies and let them know of our disgust. to be totally honest, I don't think that these kind of ads really bothered me before I was married. but now that I am married and will likely be starting a family in the next few years, I look at things totally differently now... these ads are not ok..

to contact Carl's Jr, click here

to contact Burger King, call (305) 378-3535

to contact Arby's, click here

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