Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I may have forgotten about this three tangent tuesday thing I am trying to do. ok, here are 3 random things about myself...

1. robert redford. I heart mr. redford. that is all.

(butch cassidy & the sundance kid)

(out of africa)

2. excedrin, oh how I love you... for about 8 hours you give me relief from the death residing in my neck, throat, and the rest of my body. did I mention how sick I am..? bleh... anyway, excedrin, bless you and your creators.

3. beehive tea room. this tea room is located in the heart of SLC and I love it. Jared introduced the tea room and I while we were dating and we often enjoyed a pot of herbal red rooibos tea (ROY-bos, and Afrikaans for "red bush"). the waitresses found it strange that we would ask for cream to go with it. but whatever, it's so yummy with just a tiny bit of cream. right now I could use me some time in the beehive tea room, and maybe a pot of rooibos. mmmm... rooibos...

enjoying tea with girlfriends.

enjoying tea with my very attractive and very dapper husband.

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